Enlite Energy Inc
Enlite Energy Inc

Application of LED Grow Light to Supplement Light for Photosynthesis

Ⅰ.The importance of LED grow lights to plants

Plants need sunlight to grow more prosperous. The effect of light on plant growth is to promote plant chlorophyll to absorb nutrients such as carbon dioxide and water to synthesize carbohydrates. But modern science can make plants grow better in places without sun. People have mastered the inner principle that plants need for the sun, which is the photosynthesis of leaves. During leaf photosynthesis, the excitation of external photons is required to complete the entire photosynthetic process. Sunlight is the energy supply process excited by photons. The artificial creation of light sources can also allow plants to complete the photosynthetic process. Modern horticulture or plant factories are combined with supplementary light technology or complete artificial light technology. Scientists found that the blue light zone and the red light zone are very close to the efficiency curve of plant photosynthesis and are the best light sources for plant growth.

Ⅱ. The different effects of LED plant growth lights of different colors and wavelengths on plants

1. Different wavelengths of light have different effects on plant photosynthesis. The light required for plant photosynthesis has a wavelength of about 400-700nm. 400-500nm (blue) light and 610-720nm (red) contribute the most to photosynthesis.

2. Blue (470nm) and red (630nm) LEDs can just provide the light needed by plants. Therefore, the ideal choice for LED plant lights is to use these two combined colors. In terms of visual effects, the red and blue plant lights are pink.

3. Blue light can promote the growth of green leaves; red light is helpful for flowering and fruiting and prolonging the flowering period.

4. In the absence of sunlight, using best LED light for vegetative growth to fill the plants with light for 12-16 hours can completely replace sunlight.

Enlite Energy Inc, as a professional LED plant light supplier, can provide customers with the best LED plant light. If you have any purchase requirements, please feel free to contact us!

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